The India Depressed Cake shop
I have been waiting to blog about this special event. This is very special for me too as it was the first time I was baking at this level. I mean for sale purpose.
It is something that was happening for the first time in India.The idea was baked in the UK by Emma Cakehead and has now become a global movement. It is a 1 day pop-up bake-shop that raises funds and spreads awarenesfor Mental Health issues.
The Depressed cake shop has been popping up in differents parts of the globe and the proceeds are for the local Emotional wellness centre.
The India Depressed Cake shop -2013 was a great initiative by team Lavonne, especially Joonie Tan,a pastry chef with Lavonne academy and patisserie. Great efforts by all the volunteer bakers gathered there. The event was so much fun with the baked goodies and people to support and encourage, Wow!!!
The menu at the event had it all Cakes, cupcakes, cookies, herb buns,cakepops, jams and yes Gluten free bakes too.
It was so nice to see products made with the theme in mind -Grey colour, it was an awareness for depression right? we had cookies in shape of pills , sad hearts with stitches, smiley and sad cup cakes, cherries popping out in a cup of smore, grey frosting and colurful inside cupcakes. It was amazing. All of these giving out a message that there is colour under the grey colour of depression. Just need to reach out.
As the theme was grey, from the time I knew I will be a volunteer it was decided I will do an ombre cake and by the grace of the almighty ,The cake stole away everyones heart. My efforts paid off :)
I had not prepared anything from before and I had to make Rainbow cupcakes, an Ombre Cake with four layers, savoury muffins and a Carrot cake and lots and lots of frosting to be made and just two days left with me. Phew I just didn't know where to begin with!!!
The ombre Cake,I had a hard time with getting the right shade :-/ I had to bake three cakes extra as the shades of those were almost similar. and one turned out to be super super soft :( here I will share a pic of the cake :(
The savoury muffins was the last minute preparation. but managed it somehow :) All in all a fun experience to share with all of u and a wonderful cause to be a part of :)
And putting all this together was not alone me. It was my husband , my baby brother and my son. Without their help this event would have been IMPOSSIBLE for me.
where my brother walked around endlessly with me through the market carrying my son looking around for things I needed for the event,Awwwh I love you buddy :) There was my husband,who came home after a tiring day from office and I saw him sitting with me and packing the cupcakes. Love you sweetypie. And my son, he doesn't skip his favourite cartoon for anything, comes and tells me Maa I will help you.Love u Shona papa and My Mum, I was so nervous about being a participant in this, as well experienced very creative people are going to be a part of this how will my products be?what will i do. she was there for me You are gonna be the best your cake is gonna be the one !! were her words. Love you umma for your faith in me. I thank my Almighty for his blessings in the form of a lovely family. Alhumdulellah for everything you have given me My Almighty Lord.
Wth their support they make us feel we mean a lot for them.
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